Tag Archives: how to

Simple Cinnamon Apple Oats

1 part oats
2 parts water
Brown sugar
Slices apples

Tip: you can also add vanilla extract and honey to make it sweeter.

Step 1: boil oats in water on medium heat until oats Absorb the water.

Step 2: stir in milk, cinnamon and brown sugar till mixed.

Step3: Bring to a boil and cook until it’s a consistency you like.

Step 4: Serve with sliced apples on top.

10 ways to manage stress

manage stress
manage stress

study after study  shows long-term severe  stress to be damaging to our health causing everything from high blood pressure, obesity, heart attack, depression and infertility. The list goes on. Some stress is good. It revs up the body by producing naturally occurring  performance enhancing chemical called adrenaline and cortisol but if severe stress goes untreated for a long period of time performance will ultimately decrease. lets work on relaxing but not so much that we get stuck in a rut. If you have been feeling frazzled lately take a moment and try some of the things on this list. I hope  you’ll be more productive and alert after. If you do something that really helps you that you don’t see on this list please comment below and share with the rest of the stressed community.

1. Deep breathing. Take 5 minutes to do nothing but focus on your breathing. make sure your taking deep breaths. breathing through both your nose and mouth. Inhale the fresh air and exhale the bull $#!^.

2. Exercise. No body said it better than Elle in legally blonde. “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t. ” The first week or two may be difficult because your body isn’t used to pushing itself. Give it some time to get easier.

3. Make a plan. most often stress is occurring because we don’t know what is going to happen, we feel out of control or we don’t know what to do. Take some time to plan out and learn about what you’re doing. Being prepared is always a great way to feel confident and stress free.

4. Manage your nutrition. Sometimes you may only  be stressed out because your body isn’t getting the proper nutrition to function properly causing your mind to feel tired and stressed out. Don’t deprive your body of the nutrients it needs. try to eat whole foods and protein every 2-4 hours and remember if it comes from the sea, a tree / plant, or had a mom then you can eat it. if its MADE in a plant then it’s not for you.

5.Sleep. It’s possible you may not be getting enough sleep or maybe you’re getting too much!. are you sleeping a minimum of 7 hours and a max of 9-10? try to stay between 7-8 hours of sleep. Definitely don’t skip it.

6A. Make a to do list and cross things off the list! Its easy to get stressed out when you have a ton to do but no organization. Create a to do list and do the things you don’t want to do first! By the time your almost done and out of energy you will have gotten the hard things done and hopefully not feel stressed about the little things left over.

6B. When owning a business or being an independent contractor its easy to get stuck in the little tasks of everyday and not do anything to promote our business. Doing that can be stressful because you feel like your working hard all day but you have nothing to show for it. when your making your to do list I want you to put down 2 small things you can do to help better your business and do them! I only want you to put 2 because if you put more than that you will probably feel stressed out. there is always something more to be done. focus on your two items for the day, check them off your list and feel accomplished. if you still have some steam after your two items go right ahead and keep working. but don’t commit to too much in one day.

7.  Change your attitude. Sometimes all you need Is a little attitude adjustment. Stop looking at the glass as being half empty and think of it as being half full  or better yet look for way how to sell the glass!

8. Write down at least 10 things your grateful for. Really take a moment and feel grateful for what your write down. If you woke up tomorrow with only what you were grateful for today how would your life be?

9. Call up a friend or family member and catch up. Our relationships are what keep us happy. Call a friend or family member and remind them you love them.

10. Ask for a hug, find someone you love and hug the stress out.


I hope these tips helped and you are feeling less stressed and ready to take on the world


10 Ways To Be A Happier Person

1. Think Positive thoughts, the more negative thoughts you think the more you invite negative thoughts into your head.

2. Focus on the good things in your life.

3. Pay attention to that beautiful sunset ,how pretty the lights of the city are or the silence of the calm country city.

4. Do more of what you love, you have a choice every single day to do something that will make you happy. Do it!

5. Move on from your past. Your past is just a story, don’t let it define who you are. You will only continue to live in the past if you don’t move on.

6. Have achievable goals, focus on one goal until you achieve it.

7. Surround yourself with people that support you, Nobody likes being surrounded by negativity .

8. Take time for yourself, everyone needs time to relax and recharge. Whether its listening to your favorite song, baking, taking a nap, dancing, taking a long shower and lathering up in lotion. Whatever it is you enjoy, Do it!

9. Help other people and don’t except anything in return. It feels great to help other people.

10. Take deep breathes, Deep breathing is a built in stress reliever.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed dietitian. Please contact your physician to make sure this is right for you. I also do not have any affiliations with the link provided