Why the concept of “food prep” isn’t just for bodybuilders

Have you ever been hungry but didn’t have time to make something to eat so you ran to the nearest fast food restaurant to calm your hunger?
Do you have cravings for unhealthy treats and foods that will do nothing for you physically?
Are you constantly on the road and don’t have time to prepare every meal at home? A lot of us have done this or do this on a constant basis , if you don’t then that’s great for you!

Food prep is a term short for food preparation. Food prep means to prepare your food for yourself! Some people do it for the entire week. some prepare for 2-3 days, while others only for that 1-2 days. Depending on your schedule and preferences you will decided how far ahead you want to prepare for.

Food prep makes choosing healthy choices easier. Instead of running to Taco Bell save even more time and money by having your food on hand. By carrying a cooler or insulated lunch bag filled with healthy treats you’ll have no excuses! Plus when you buy in bulk it’s usually cheaper 😉

When you choose healthier choices your body will thank you and you will reach your fitness goals faster!

How do you food prep? Comment below and let me know how you stay on track!
Thank you for reading

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed dietitian. Please contact your physician to make sure this is right for you. I also do not have any affiliations with the link provided
